Global Missions


The Global Missions Team (GMT) exists to glorify God by supporting the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; and Acts 1:8). We do this by facilitating opportunities to serve in God’s call to missions and through sound stewardship of resources God has entrusted to Calvary to implement our missions programs. The Global Missions Team is always striving to create deeper connections between our local church and career missionaries around the world to support their valued work where God has called them to serve.


Fellowship International (Japan)

Adam was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He decided to follow Christ in 2011 during his third year in university. Through meeting international students from Japan and discovering that the Japanese are the second-largest unreached people group in the world, a door was opened for Adam to pursue long-term mission work in Japan. After serving in Japan for five weeks in 2015 and one year in 2019/2020, he is excited to return yet again, this time with Sabrina, to love God and the Japanese people. Sabrina grew up in the Greater Los Angeles area. The first time she visited Japan she was eight years old and visited family friends who were missionaries serving there. She felt called to Japan as a career missionary herself when she was a university student. She served there from 2016 to 2020 with the first half of her term spent in Japanese language school in Tokyo, and the second half spent serving in Japanese churches in Kumamoto and Ibaraki Prefectures. Sabrina and Adam are serving long-term in Japan with a focus on empowering local believers and not-yet believers to make disciples who make disciples. Sabrina has a burden to love and serve girls in Japan who are recovering from sexual exploitation. Adam will seek to engage with Japanese men in the home, work, and leisure contexts that they already inhabit. Both Sabrina and Adam desire to see Japanese people experience the grace and love of Jesus and enter a rhythm of discipleship that leads to lives changed, local churches planted, and communities transformed.

ABWE, Member Care Representatives (Florida, USA)

The Larges served 26 years in Peru, from 1975-2001. The Lord used them to start a Bible Institute in the city of Ica, which aided in the establishment of 11 Baptist churches in the Ica valley. They were used to organize the existing 48 churches and congregations into zones (doing evangelism and discipleship training in those villages), which then reproduced and became over 100 congregations and/or preaching points. In 2001 the Lord called Andy and Diane to Nicaragua in Central America where they planted 2 churches in the city of Managua. In 2013 God led them to the city of San Juan del Sur, where they served until 2019. Andy and Diane are currently working out of Florida in the area of member care in support of ABWE missionaries serving in the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico.

Director, Fellowship International (Guelph, ON) 

Ben graduated from Tyndale Seminary with a focus on counselling. His accomplishments include starting a family therapy practice in Toronto, serving as an Executive Pastor at Willowdale Baptist Church, co-founding Love is Moving, Canada’s only national Christian youth television, online and magazine series in association with Media Voice Generation and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Ben has served as the Fellowship Candidate Coordinator at Fellowship International. During that time, 15 long-term missionaries and many mid-term and short-term missionaries were appointed to ministry. Since 2021, Ben has been serving as the Fellowship International Director, focusing on advancing the gospel and sending missionaries to the unreached around the world through prayer, communications, and coaching.

(Québec, QC) 

Chris and Sara Middleton completed five years in Turkey with Fellowship International before returning to Canada in 2009 when Chris assumed leadership of the Fellowship’s candidate process and the LAUNCH (short-term) ministry program. In 2017 they discerned God’s leading to serve as missionaries in Quebec. In June, 2018 they took up residence in Quebec where they are recruiting, mentoring and leading the Fellowship’s International’s personnel there in partnership with the Fellowship’s French Region.

Power to Change (Guelph, ON) 

Dan Sherman is the National Field Strategy Director for Power to Change. The goal of P2C is to help students discover Jesus as the answer to the longing of their hearts and to equip them for a lifetime of following the Lord. Dan travels across the country in support of students and those who work with them to reach this needy segment of our society.

International Student Ministries Canada (Guelph, ON) 

In 1992, with their desire to be involved in cross cultural ministry, Dave and Linda joined International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC), moving to Guelph in 1993 to establish a ministry there to international students and scholars. Areas of ministry have included working to direct the Guelph ministry, training of staff and volunteers in Guelph and other cities, hosting Bible studies, English classes and conversation groups, matching volunteers to work as friendship/conversation partners, and following up with returnees. Though Dave has suffered a life-altering stroke and is in long-term care, Linda continues to give faithful service to the ministry with International Students in Guelph.

3M Ministries (Québec, QC) 

3M Ministries is an initiative of the Terrebonne-Mascouche church. The goal is to train youth for ministry. The church has a burden to equip and train new leaders for pastoral/church ministry and to create a new movement of leaders in Quebec and see the province transformed by the Gospel.

ASSIST Ministries Cuba (Manitoba, Canada) 

Don and Carol have been involved in missions since the mid 1970’s, initially serving in Colombia. From 1993 – 2010, they served at headquarters of Avant Ministries in Winnipeg, until God’s call upon them led them to the churches in the Eastern Baptist Conference of Cuba in late 2010. They made the changeover from Avant Ministries to ASSIST Canada in January 2011 and have been assisting the churches and pastors in Cuba since then.

ABWE (Toronto, ON) 

After fifteen years working with the Muslim community in England, George and Karen have returned to Canada to serve ABWE under EveryEthne in the Open Toronto Initiative and the Heart, Mind & Soul Ministries. EveryEthne seeks to mobilize the local church to reach out and engage the many types of people who live in its neighbourhood. “The Joshua Project estimates that there are 7,391 unreached people groups in the world. A people group is designated ‘unreached’ when less than 2% of the population is evangelical Christian. Many of these live in hard-to-reach places where it is difficult for missionaries to enter. Today, God is bringing some of those unreached people groups to our doorstep! The Joshua Project has determined that 32 of these unreached people groups live within the Greater Toronto Area (G.T.A.). That’s more than in any other major world city!

ABWE – Beautiful Feet International – Caribbean and Latin America (Alberta, Canada)  

Jenn was officially appointed as a missionary in the summer of 2016 with ABWE, and when she arrived on the field in 2018, she helped to develop children’s ministry in the local church plants, as well as began working at the country’s first crisis pregnancy center, Florece, where she used her gifts to serve the women who find themselves in vulnerable situations, and has found great fulfillment in helping kids & families experience the love of Jesus. In September 2024, Jenn became the Regional Coordinator for Beautiful Feet International, a ministry of ABWE, and will be helping to equip, train and open new pregnancy ministries throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. She will also be leading missions trips, participating in pro-life ministries in Canada/US and represent Beautiful Feet and ABWE in Canadian churches.

Fellowship International (Colombia) 

Jerusha was appointed for long-term service in Colombia in 2021 after having served on short-term teams and as part of the Fellowship’s LAUNCH program. She serves in Medellín at the El Redil del Poblado church. She is involved in three ministries within the church: youth and young adult ministries, the English ministry, and through her personal podcast called Jerusha’s Journal. Within the youth and young adult ministry, Jerusha serves as a youth leader. Having come to faith at the age of sixteen through the youth ministries at her local church in Ontario, the Lord has given her a deep passion for discipling youth and young adults. Jerusha also serves as the ministry leader for the English Ministry. The goal of this ministry is to reach the growing population of English-speakers (immigrants and tourists) within Medellín, to aid English believers within the church community to smoothly integrate into the general church community, and to maintain and strengthen partnerships with English-speaking churches abroad (mainly through organizing short-term mission trip exchanges).

ABWE - Canadian Director (London, ON) 

John and Jacky began their missionary journey in Odessa, Ukraine, where they spent 23 years serving on the leadership team of two church plants. John was also co-founder and President of the Church Ministries Institute, including a network of local church centered Bible schools in Eurasia. Jacky was involved in ministry to women and children, and developed relationships with unbelievers. In 2016, John was invited to be ABWE’s Vice President of Training and Resources where he oversees missionary development, evangelism and discipleship. In 2021, John accepted the position of Director of ABWE Canada and now gives oversight to ABWE’s Canadian missionaries and personnel, as well as providing training and resources for the Canadian church.

South America Mission (Peru) 

John and Minori have served in Pucallpa, Peru since 1991. John and Minori spent much of their time travelling the river in a speedboat to work with the Shipibo indigenous tribe. John took on a financial role with SAM (South American Mission), and oversees all the accounting and administration for the Peru field. John and Minori live on the mission base, which allowed Minori to work with the missionary kid’s school, serving as administrator and teaching. She is involved in many outreach ministries that serve to evangelize in hospitals, schools, as well as many senior citizens in their local churches.

MoveIn (Guelph, ON) 

MoveIn Ministries is a movement of believers who intentionally and prayfully move into neighbourhoods where new immigrants, unreached people groups and the urban poor live. Their goal is to reach those neighbourhoods for Christ. As a missionary Martha, along with her husband, John and their children, seek to reach their neighbours as active participants in the life of that neighbourhood. Martha works with the MoveIn Vision Team as a resource developer and serves as its regional representative for the cities of Guelph and Hamilton. Martha first “moved in” in 2012 by joining a team in Hamilton. She has worked on the Vision Team since March 2014. Connecting with people and connecting people to each other are highlights of her role. This takes place through meeting with people who are interested in joining a MoveIn team as well as supporting current MoveIners. The annual MoveIner Conference is a large way that teams receive support and Martha is part of the leadership team for this event. She also helps to oversee the annual Prayer Journey.

Fellowship International (Drumheller, AB) 

Returning to Canada from years of ministry in Colombia, Norman has continued to give significant service in Administration, the management of Fellowship Aid and International Relief (FAIR), the humanitarian and social endeavours of our Fellowship International missionaries and partner agencies worldwide, along with service as Associate Director of Fellowship International. Although now retirement, Norman continues to supervise FAIR projects in Latin America for the Fellowship.

Fellowship International (Democratic Republic of Congo | Canada)  

Richard and Brenda Flemming have served with Fellowship International since 1984. Initially, they served in France for 15 years before returning to Canada in 2000. Richard gave leadership to Fellowship International, which allowed the Flemmings to gain invaluable knowledge regarding missions. Then in 2010, they moved to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to work with a large Baptist church association where they currently continue to serve as mission coaches. They assist this church association and others in context. That is, doing missions the African way with African means. Their gifts and influence have taken them to other African countries to train and encourage. As of January 2015, Richard has also taken on the part-time role of Fellowship Eastern Coordinator. He also serves on the board of REFORMA, providing theological training throughout the world and establishing theological standards for pastors and pastoral candidates.

Fellowship International (Japan)  

Rob and Kathryn began serving with Fellowship International in the Ibaraki countryside north of Tokyo where Christians make up only 0.2% of the population – close to the lowest on the planet. They loved and served the Japanese people and planted Hitachi Hope Church – a congregation of about 25 (1995 – 2005) From 2005-2014 they started Oasis in their home, a neighbourhood based outreach, first to young people and then to their families. In 2015, Rob and Kathryn moved to Tokyo, where Rob preached and taught in several churches and was involved in a seminary in northern Japan training Christian workers. Rob also worked to encourage another young Korean missionary in outreach to Japanese. Kathryn reaches out to many ladies with the Good News through building relationships and Discover Bible Study. As senior missionaries in Japan, Rob and Kathryn also mentor new arrivals on the field as they adjust to life and ministry in one of the neediest places in the world.

The Fellowship (Guelph, ON) 

Wendy has served at the Fellowship National Office in a variety of roles, and currently is serving as the Media Coordinator, which allows her to communicate with over 500 churches across the country. She is responsible for the written and electronic materials used within the Fellowship, including the production of the French and English magazines.

ABWE (Ecuador) 

Wesley and Jessica moved to Ecuador in the fall of 2023 to work with the local church in outreach ministries. Their specialty is sports, camp ministry, evangelism & discipleship and community outreach.

International Student Ministries

International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC) focuses solely on ministering to international students, empowering them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, reaching out and ministering to those God has placed in their lives, whether in Canada or their home country.

Cedar Home - Lebanon

Cedar Home is a Christian home for abandoned newborns, orphaned and disadvantaged Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi refugees, and stateless girls in Lebanon. The Home provides spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social supports so that these girls can fulfill their highest potential, preparing them to enter society, the workplace, and marriage as mature, independent individuals

(519) 824-1161
454 Arkell Rd., Puslinch